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Self Care Guide: No More Anxiety, More On Meditation

Meditate with Anxiety

Dealing with stress is tough but necessary. After all, stress can have disastrous effects on your physical health and emotional stability. Particularly, stress causes a weaker immune response, proneness to anxiety, and skin sensitivity. But one excellent way to manage stress and anxiety is meditation.  In this article, Meditate with Anxiety, we’ll talk about meditating to relieve anxiety and other ways to de-stress.


Meditation is not only free but also liberating! It’s an age-old practice that has been used to restore balance to one’s physical and emotional health. Focus is key to successful meditation. In order to clear your mind, you need to relax and direct your attention to the task at hand.

Though we often associate it with sitting still, meditation comes in various forms. These forms include mindfulness, guided, and mantra meditation. You can also meditate while being active, specifically through martial arts (tai chi) or yoga! That way, you can hit your exercise goals while calming yourself.

If you’re a beginner, meditate with anxiety. You can start with mindfulness meditation. The first step is to bring your attention to the present moment and banish all unnecessary distractions from your mind. Afterward, focus on your breath. Trace the air as it goes in and out of your body. Finally, pay attention to the sensations around your body.

Physical activities

Keeping your body busy is one of the tried-and-tested ways to keep your mind off unwanted things. Whether you practice yoga or tai chi, engage in sports, or prefer jogging, any physical activity can be an anxiety buster.

Just stay active for at least thirty minutes a day and you’ll notice the signs of anxiety wearing off. Better yet, exercise every day and you may prevent the onset of anxiety. It doesn’t matter if you walk in the park or just clean your room for half an hour.

To make your exercise sessions even more anxiety-proof, try to set a routine, prepare your exercise clothes and gear, and condition your mind and body before your workout. For women, wearing period underwear can help you stay active anytime. If you often have breakouts during menstruation, try using organic skincare products.

Breathing exercises

Taking deep breaths is a natural way for us to steady or brace ourselves. So, naturally, breathing exercises are great ways to combat anxiety. In fact, good breathwork is part of biohacking wellness. In other words, knowing how to breathe properly is a scientific “hack” to make our bodies become stronger.

To start, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Loosen any clothes that are restricting your airflow. Try breathing in through your nose then out through your mouth. Take a breath that is as deep down to your belly as you can. Breathe in gently and to a regular rhythm. Hold it for five counts and do the same when breathing out. Don’t worry if you cannot reach five counts at first. Repeat this for three to five minutes.

Talking to friends

As social beings, we rely on friends and family for many things, including emotional support. But not all friends can be good confidantes, so choose whom you speak to. Talk to a friend that you trust. Make sure this person knows how to listen and handle your feelings.

For many of us, the act of opening up about our feelings already brings relief. If you’re not yet comfortable with divulging your anxieties, you may find that it’s still more helpful to be in the company of friends than by yourself. Knowing that you have people who have your back can put you in the right perspective to deal with your worries.

Keep a gratitude journal

Most of the time, we write down our problems in our journals in order to reflect and try to resolve them. But sometimes, when we’re overcome with worry, we might not have the energy to keep thinking about problems.

So, why not keep a journal full of things you’re thankful for? You don’t need to buy another journal, actually. Your expression of gratitude can simply be another entry on your diary. Just take a moment to think about all the moments that made you smile, the people who make your life bearable, and the goals that motivate you. There is always something to be grateful for and no miracle is too small.

Try therapy

If you’ve tried all the tricks in the book but your anxiety still persists, it might be test to seek help from a professional. When that happens, please don’t blame yourself. You have done all that you could, and it’s not your fault. There are various treatments for anxiety that will help you determine the causes of what you feel — and ultimately, the cure.

Final words Meditate with Anxiety

Anxiety has become an all too common feeling for all of us. But thankfully, there are many inexpensive yet effective remedies out there. Meditate with anxiety, keep yourself active, and try breathing exercises. Don’t hesitate to ask help from friends and family, and don’t forget to express your gratitude.