Dog (Canis familiaris) is the domesticated carnivore of the family canidae. They are one of the most favored pets because they are usually fun-loving, friendly, true-hearted, and listen to their parents. The dog, among all the pet and companion animals, has proved to be the best friend and faithful companion of man because of its fidelity, obedience, and pleasant disposition. In this article e have discussed on dog and heart diseases and what are the advantages of keeping a dog.
What are the Advantages of Keeping a Dog?
There are many advantages of keeping a dog which are discussed below:
1. Pets are used to lessen tension, disquietude, and melancholy.
2. Dogs and Cats decrease anxiety, loneliness, encourages exercise, and these activities improve your cardiovascular health.
3. Pets are used for providing precious togetherness for adults and older ones. a dog can bring happiness and immense love to your life.
4. Numerous studies about Animal and Dog relationships significantly had shown that Pets provide many benefits to human emotional, physical, and social well-being.
5. Dog as a pet and companion animal improves human health indirectly because the dog owners used to involve in playing with their pet which founds them more physically active less susceptible to allergies, and better mental health.
What is human dog relationship?
The bonding of dogs and humans is known as the human-canine relationship. The foundation of the relationship had developed 15000 years ago and in today’s framework, at least in areas populated by humans, dogs are the planet’s most abundant tellurian carnivore. Dogs are an essential part of human lives for centuries and their advantageous effects have been found for at least 200 years. The global dog population is estimated to 700 million and rising. In the United Kingdom, the use of dogs known as PAT (Pet as therapy) highly organizes.
What is the impact of the dogs on human life?
The impact of dogs on human life can be understand by observing the datas present. America which is known as the superpower of the world, having a society of dog lovers. The data reveals that currently, 40 % 0f the residents in the united states include at least one dog, overall 61 million canine associates. 94 % of owners consider their pets to have human-like traits, 93 % of owners said that they risk their own life for their pet, and half of them also said that they would choose their dog as a single companion if stranded on a deserted island.
If we talk about benefits in industrial terms then the Animal human bond is a force in the boom up of the pet food industry, In today’s scenario the Pet Food sell is the multi-billion dollar industry, and pet owners spends approximately $11 billion each year in veterinary care.
What is the anatomy of dogs heart ?
The heart is associated with the pumping of blood in an animal’s body. Assimilation of Oxygen into the blood and removal of carbon dioxide from it takes place in the lungs, and the right side of the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs. The left side involves the pumping of blood to the rest of the body, where nutrients and oxygen are delivered to tissues of the body, and waste products (including carbon dioxide) are transferred to the blood for removal.
The confiscation of carbon dioxide and toxic waste is done by further organs such as the kidneys and lungs. In Aves and Mammals, four chambers are present in the heart. The four chambers in the canine heart (Left atrium, Left ventricle, Right atrium, and Right ventricle) and four valves (Mitral valve, Aortic valve, Tricuspid valve, and Pulmonic valve) the main veins and arteries that run to and from the heart are cranial vena cava, caudal vena cava, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and the aorta. Endocardium, Myocardium, and Epicardium are three layers of unequal thickness of the wall of the heart.
What is the meaning of canine cardiac disorders?
Canine cardiac ailments are disease conditions that are associated with the cardiovascular system of dogs. The cardiovascular disease of dogs is a common, complex, and devastating disorder.
What is the major constraints in India in the diagnosis of heart disorders?
Heart diseases in dogs have been vigorously studied all over the world but in India, recognition of these diseases has been delayed and ignored due to lack of awareness and knowledge by the pet parents and unsatisfactory diagnostic facility to a field veterinarian.
What are the types of heart disorder ?
Congenital and acquired heart diseases are the two main categories of cardiac ailments. Congenital cardiovascular lesions in descending order of frequency of occurrence are Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), Pulmonary Stenosis, Aortic Stenosis, Persistent Right Aortic Arch, Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF), Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), Persistent Left Cranial Vena Cava and Mitral Insufficiency. Congenital heart diseases account for only 5% of all canine heart diseases and are generally diagnosed in puppies. Congenital heart disease has not been studied widely.
The acquired diseases of the heart are those which a dog picks naturally during its lifetime usually as a result of infection, injury, or normal wear and tear it includes Cardiac arrhythmias, Hypertension disease, Heartworm disease, Congestive heart failure, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Pericarditis, Myocarditis, Pulmonary, and Endocarditis.