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What is the Importance of Image ALT Text in SEO?

Image Alt Text or Alternative Text in the context of what an image is displaying of the image. It relates to the content of a document or webpage. Alt tags help to convey what an image is displaying and also inform search engine crawlers. It is read to users by screen reader software, and it is indexed by search engines.

Image ALT text is one of the main and important components of Google’s algorithm. It is only displayed when the image cannot be loaded, and it helps search engines to understand what the image is about. It is an essential part of your SEO strategy. Search engine crawlers will index the ALT tag, and most search engines will use it as a keyword for indexing purposes.

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What is Image ALT Text?

Image ALT text is what’s called the “alt attribute” of an image. It gives the text description of whatever picture you have uploaded to use as a thumbnail or banner. This text will be read by screen readers for people with visual impairments.

Image Alternate Text or ALT Text is a field in the HTML code for your image that usually describes what it is. Having high-quality and descriptive Image ALT Text is essential for creating good SEO.

It is important in SEO because this text will be shown when someone’s browser doesn’t load the image. The importance of Image ALT Text is that it can provide search engine crawlers with more information about your website and what it has to offer visitors.

Search engine bots can’t see images. So how do they know what an image is about? The answer is the ALT text for the image. The ALT text for images is like a caption and it’s an important part of optimizing your content for search engines.

Image ALT text is a part of the HTML code that can be found within an image on your website. This text provides the search engines with information about what the image is about.

An article written states that Google has always used information from images to rank pages higher in results, so it’s important to have this information on hand.

How can it Affect SEO?

ALT text is the text that shows up in place of an image when someone hovers over it or blocks out parts of the image. ALT texts provide additional information to the user about what they are looking at on-page. This text helps search engines understand what your page is about and how you want your content to be represented online.

Alt text is an SEO best practice. If you don’t have a title and the context is not clear, ALT text tells the search engine what your image is about. It also helps Google optimize images for faster load times.

Tips and Tricks to Help with Image ALT Text

Image ALT text is the alternate text attribute. It’s meant to be a label for the image in the event that the content is not displayed or visible. It is also used by screen readers, especially when these are used by people with disabilities. For SEO purposes, it needs to be keyword-rich and concise in order to rank higher in Google searches.


Overall, I hope this blog has helped you to see the importance of having ALT text on your images. If you are using WordPress, there is a plugin called WP-ALT that will help you to set up ALT text on all your images in just a few minutes.

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