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Deworming of Dogs

Deworming of Dogs


Deworming of dogs is very important. That is, dogs are excellent hosts for worms and other parasites. Pests are automatically picked up by dogs as they lick, and eat everything in their path, which includes dung, rubbish, and dirt. All of the grooming, kissing, wrestling, and other social behaviours they engage in with their mouths have the potential to introduce undesirable guests to playmates and partners, both canine and human. So deworming of dogs is important.

Most dogs get parasites in their lives. If your dog has diarrhoea, is vomiting, coughing, chews or licks under their tail, is short of breath, or is losing weight, your veterinarian may suspect worms. The type of deworming of dogs and where it is located inside your dog’s body determine the symptoms and therapies.

What is Deworming of Dogs?

The process of utilising anthelmintic medications to get rid of parasitic worms such roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and heartworms from dogs is known as “deworming.”

Deworming of dogs has many secure ways. Your pet gets recovered from illness and worm infestation faster after they are eliminated. To kill the worms from your pet, your vet will manage treatment orally or intravenously to your dog or pet. Many of these medications are referred to be “broad-spectrum” because they work well for treating a variety of parasites, including intestinal worms. They don’t harm for pets but are harmful to pests.

How to identify that pet is having worms?

Puppy intestinal parasites (worms) are extremely prevalent. Certain clinical signs are mostly observe in puppies if there is manifestation of intestinal worm is there. These classical findings of intestinal worms includes

These are all indications of intestinal parasites. When they are in the womb or mother’s milk, some parasites are passed from the mother to her puppies while other parasites are carried out by fleas or other insects.

Some are spread through a dog’s faeces that has the infection. The veterinarian need to use a microscope so that he/she can find the parasites’ eggs as very few of parasites are visible in the stool. The easiest method to protect your pet is to keep your home and yard clean and prevent pests like fleas and mosquitoes that spread worms. Additionally, you’ll be helping yourself because some worm species can spread to people.

What is the ideal Deworming schedule for dog?

Deworming of dogs schedule will be varied according to the prevalence of different types of worm in to the particular area. Best way to find the perfect deworming schedule for your loving pet is to visit your veterinarian because he will be the best contact point for addressing the problem.

There is a schedule given in table for the deworming of dogs. Which is developed by the getting information from experts.




Birth to 3 months Every 2 weeks, preferablly with Piperazine
3 months to 6 months Every month, preferablly with Piperazine
6 months old onwards Every 3 months,   preferablly with Pyental paomate and Fenbendazole combinations
Pregnant bitches 2 weeks before whelping, preferably with Fenbendazole

What should be done for heartworm infection ?

In order to determine how serious the illness is if your dog has heartworms, your veterinarian may need to perform blood testing, X-rays, and possibly additional tests. Your dog will initially begin receiving monthly heartworm protection, as well as an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory. The heartworm medication starts a month later. Because it is so potent, a vet should be the only one to administer it. Your dog will typically receive a course of three injections spread out over two months.

The treatment is not over, though. After the vaccinations, you’ll need to keep your dog calm and quiet for a while. Heartworms disintegrate as they die. These fragments may prevent blood from reaching the heart or lungs. A dog may pass away if that occurs, which is more likely when blood pumps more vigorously, as it does during exercise. Your veterinarian will provide advice on how to ensure that your sick dog receives rest so they can heal properly. Your veterinarian will do a blood test to look for worms six months following the heartworm treatment.

What are the common preventive measures for pets ?

Prevention is the best medicine for deworming of dogs. Some important steps should be followed to prevent your dog from getting infection of different kind of worms infection.

To prevent worms, observe these straightforward steps:


The best way to prevent worms from spreading is to maintain a regular deworming of dogs and schedule it. In addition to preventing parasite infections and other ailments, maintaining your dog’s overall health by making sure they eat a wholesome, nutritious food and get plenty of exercise is important.