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Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs


Dog as a pet and companion animal improves your health indirectly because you as owners used to involve in playing with their pet which makes you more physically active, less prone to allergies, and better mental health. In other words, we have to admit that dogs are very close to our heart, so as being an owner it is our responsibility to keep their heart fit and healthy, for this we have to know about the conditions which usually affect their cardiovascular system.

The heart of dog and heart of human beings are very similar in their anatomical and physiological orientation. And the disease conditions which are associated with heart of our beloved pet are also moreover similar to each other. One of the common problem for both humans and dogs is congestive heart failure. Firstly we will know about that what congestive heart failure in dogs is really.

What is the meaning of Congestive Heart Failure?

The meaning of congestive heart failure is similar for both. In very simple words we can understand that “Failure of the heart, seldom known as congestive heart failure”. the condition occurs when the heart muscle doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. It means the heart muscles does not works properly. Due to lack in the functioning of the heart muscles a very dangerous condition develops. Some times this condition become life threatening. Your lovely pet can also suffer from heart problems just like you. So it is better to know the symptoms so you can get your companion the help they need. One of the most common diseases is congestive heart failure.

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What causes congestive heart failure in dogs?

Wide variety of causes are involved for developing the heart associated problems in our pets.  beloved dog may have been born with a heart defect means he may suffer from genetic disorders. The chances of this type of genetic disorders are very common. Another method of getting heat associated problem is the dog may acquire diseases from the surrounding. Injury, senility, an infection can exacerbate it. Diet and exercise also play a vital role in the development of disease.

What are the common clinical signs and symptoms of heart diseases in dogs?

When your pet get problems related to heart he starts to show some signs which indicates the severity and origin of the heart problems. Following are the important symptoms of heart problems:

What are the symptoms showing advancement of disease ?

Besides from the common clinical signs there is some more symptoms which indicates the advancement of the cardiac disorders in pets. Some of the advanced clinical signs includes

How the diagnosis of heart diseases can be done? 

The methods of diagnosis of heart diseases in dogs are very similar to the human beings. For diagnosing heart issues, a vet will want to know any symptoms you’ve noticed. He will want to know what the dog eats, what medications and supplements they may be taking, and if they are currently on heartworm protection. After taking the complete history from your vet will use the following diagnostic methods.


Congestive heart failure is one of the important disease. So its treatment should be done very rationally. It’s a very serious issue so don’t try to self-medicate your pet, it could be very dangerous for the life of your beloved one. as it will risk your beloved pet’s life in the risk. Whenever your pet starts to show symptom related to heart problems, it’s better to immediately consult or visit a Veterinarian. He will start the treatment after conducting the needful examinations of pet.

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Author : Dr. Sawan Kumar, MVSc. (Veterinary Medicine)