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Chest Exercises in Gym for Beginners

Chest Exercises in Gym for Beginners

When it comes to working out your chest, the gym is the best place to be. There are so many different exercises that you can do with all of the different machines and weights. However, if you are a beginner, then you might not know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this guide of the best chest exercises in gym for beginners.

Chest Exercises in Gym for Beginners

1. Chest Press: The chest press is a great chest exercises in gym for beginners because it is relatively easy to do and doesn’t require any special equipment. All you need is a weight bench and some dumbbells. To do the exercise, simply lie down on the bench and press the dumbbells up above your chest.

2. Dumbbell Fly: The dumbbell fly is another great chest exercises in gym for beginners. It also doesn’t require any special equipment, just a weight bench and some dumbbells. To do the exercise, lie down on the bench and hold the dumbbells out to your sides with your palms facing each other. Then, raise the dumbbells up above your chest and back down again.

3. Push-ups: Push-ups are a classic chest exercise that can be done anywhere, including in the gym. If you’re new to push-ups, do it as it is the best chest exercises in gym for beginners. Just follow steps:

Step 1: Start by doing them on your knees instead of your toes. Once you get stronger, you can move up to doing them on your toes.

Step 2: To do a push-up, simply get into a plank position.

Step 3: Start by high plank with your palms flat. Hands shoulder-width apart. Shoulders stacked directly above your wrists. Legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged.

Step 4: Then bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor.

Step 5: Push through the palms of your hands to straighten your arms.

Chest Workout at Gym for Beginners

If you’re new to working out, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. These chest workout is perfect for beginners and can be done at any gym. All you need is a set of dumbbells and a flat bench which are the best chest exercises in gym for beginners.

Start by lying on the bench with your feet flat on the ground and your back pressed firmly against the pad. Hold the dumbbells in your hands with an overhand grip and your palms facing your feet.

Slowly lift the weights up towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. Once the weights reach your chest, pause for a moment and then slowly lower them back down to the starting position.

Repeat this exercise for 10-12 reps before moving on to the next one.

Best Chest Exercises for Men

There are many different chest exercises in gym for beginners that you can do at the gym, but which ones are the best for men? Here are some of the best exercises to get a man’s chest looking its best:

1. The Bench Press: This is probably the most well-known chest exercise and it is one of the best for building a strong and large chest. You can do this exercise with either a barbell or dumbbells.

2. The Incline Bench Press: This exercise is similar to the regular bench press, but it is done on an incline bench. This helps to target your upper chest muscles more effectively.

3. The Decline Bench Press: This exercise is the opposite of the incline bench press; it targets your lower chest muscles more effectively.

4. The Push-Up: This classic exercise is still one of the best ways to build a strong and muscular chest. You can do them with your hands placed shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, depending on what feels comfortable for you.

5. The Dumbbell Fly: This exercise is great for isolating your chest muscles and really getting a good stretch in your pecs. It can be done with either dumbbells or a resistance band.

Best Chest Exercises at Home

There are a number of different chest exercises in gym for beginners as well as for home, without the need for any equipment. These exercises will target your pectoral muscles and help to tone and strengthen your chest.

One of the best exercises you can do at home is a push-up. Start in a plank position, with your hands placed shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart. Lower yourself down towards the floor, keeping your body in a straight line, then press back up to the starting position. If you find push-ups too difficult, you can start by doing them on your knees.

Another great exercise for your chest is a tricep dip. Start by sitting on the edge of a chair or sofa, with your hands placed either side of you, gripping the edge of the seat. Lift your bottom off the seat and lower yourself down until your elbows are at 90 degrees, then press back up to the starting position.

For something a little different, try a chest fly. This exercise can be done using dumbbells or household items such as cans of soup. Start by lying on your back on a flat surface with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold the dumbbells (or soup cans) above your chest with your palms facing each other and arms straight. Slowly lower the weights out to the side, keeping a slight bend in your elbows, then return to the starting position.

After these chest exercises, it is mandatory to have whey protein. Just keep in mind Whey Protein Benefits and Side Effects.

Best Chest Workout at Gym

If you’re looking for the Best Chest Exercises in Gym, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll give you a detailed chest exercises in gym for beginners that you can do at the gym to help build strength and definition in your chest muscles.

This workout consists of 5 exercises that target your chest muscles from different angles. We recommend doing 3-4 sets of each exercise, with 8-12 reps per set. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.

1. Barbell Bench Press: This exercise is great for building overall strength in your chest muscles. Lie down on a flat bench and position a barbell over your sternum. Grip the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart and slowly lower it down to your chest. Press the barbell back up to the starting position and repeat.

2. Dumbbell Fly: This exercise targets the outermost part of your pecs known as the pectoralis major muscle. Lie down on a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand above your chest with your palms facing each other. Slowly lower the dumbbells out to your sides, keeping a slight bend in your elbows, until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles. Raise the dumbbells back up to the starting position and repeat.

3. Push-Up: This is a great exercise for targeting all areas of your pecs, including the hard-to-reach inner portion known as the pectoralis minor.