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Ayurveda Remedies For Cough and Cold

Ayurveda Remedies For Cough and Cold

What is Cough and Cold?

Cough is a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs through the epiglottis at very fast speed. It clears breathing passages of unwanted irritants. It is a sudden, forceful hacking sound to release air and clear an irritation in the throat or airway. A cough can be seasonal. It may be due to bacterial infection.

Causes of Cough: Cough is a way of clearing the throat. There are many ways in which cough is caused. Cold, flu, asthma, smoking, allergies are common causes of cough. A cough is caused by a viral infection. A cough can be infectious cause and non-infectious cause.

Infectious Cause: Infectious cause can be due to viral or common cold, sinus infection, whooping cough and pneumonia.

Non-infectious Cause: On the other hand, non-infectious cause can be due to asthma, environmental allergies and bronchitis.

If Cough is not curing after having medicines, then it may be a warning sign of Cancer. In this case individual may cough with blood. If cough persists for more than a week then medical attention is required.

Symptoms of Cough

A Cough can occur with sign and symptoms. Some common cause may include:

What is Ayurveda?  

Ayurveda is a word which is derived from AYU and VEDA. AYU means Life and VEDA means science or knowledge. The word Ayurveda means the science of life.

Today’s world is adopting Ayurveda in medicines because they don’t have any side effects. It is used for treating or curing the health problems without harming the body.

Cough in Ayurveda terms:

Whenever we have itchy throat, we start looking for some Ayurveda remedy. We start finding out in internet for easy home remedies. Many Indian still believe or have trust on home or Ayurveda remedies to cure. Not only these remedies treat common cold and cough, they don’t have any side-effects.

Here, we have mentioned some of these home remedies that will help you treat common cold and cough through Ayurveda.

7 Different Ayurveda Medicines:

Lukewarm Water: Drinking lukewarm water will help you in getting rid of cough as it helps in fighting common cold, cough and sore throat. Drinking lukewarm water frequently.

Ginger: Ginger is a natural cough suppressant. It has a very long history of use in various forms of medicine. It is an ancient spice with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. So it is also used in curing cough and cold. Chewing ginger or burnt ginger helps in curing sore throat and cough. Ginger tea is also used as medicine for curing cough and cold. Read More : What are the health benefits of Ginger

Black pepper: Black pepper is also used as an Ayurveda medicine. It is used to provide relief from cough. It is antibacterial and antibiotic in nature which helps in curing cough. Use black pepper in tea to cure cough.

Lemon: Lemon is used in variety of ways to cure cough. It has anti-inflammatory properties and Vitamin C which helps in treating cough. Make black tea and add few drops of lemon in black tea.

Honey: Honey has a long medicinal history. It has properties for fighting for infection. It is an effective cough suppressant that is why it is used in treating cough. Have 2 teaspoons of honey at bedtime. This will help in curing cough.

Tulsi: Tulsi has anti-inflammatory properties. Chew few leaves of tulsi to treat cough. Also, add few tulsi leaves in tea to cure cough and throat.

Clove: Clove has high antioxidants. Chew a bud of clove for relief from sore throat or chewing a burnt clove is also an effective medicine.

10 Ayurveda Remedies For Cough and Cold:

Black tea + Lemon:  Black tea and lemon combination is Ayurveda syrup.  Boil 1 glass of water and add few tea leaves. Add few drops of lemon. Having this syrup twice a day will cure cough.

Honey + Ginger juice + Black pepper powder:  Mix 1 teaspoon honey, few drops of ginger juice and pinch of  crushed black pepper and have this mixture twice a day will relief from cough and cold. It is an effective medicine.

Lemon + Honey: Mix few drop of lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink the mixture twice a day will cure cough and sore throat.

Tulsi leaves + Black pepper+ Ginger: few tulsi leaves, 2 black pepper and a slice of ginger and mix them in boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to sweeten. This kadha will help in curing sore throats and cough immediately.

Milk + Turmeric powder: Mix a pinch of turmeric powder in 1 full glass of milk. Drink this milk at bedtime. Turmeric has a strong antioxidant which helps in treating many health problems.

Lukewarm water + Salt: Add 1 small spoon of salt in lukewarm water and gargle twice or thrice a day. This is an age-old therapy which cure throat and cough.

Flax Seeds + Honey + Lemon: Boil 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds in 1 glass of water until the water becomes thick. Then strain and add 3 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons lemon juice.

Onion juice + Honey: Mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of honey and use this effective mixture as cough syrup.

Honey + Cinnamon + Mulethi: Mix half tablespoon of honey with half tablespoon of cinnamon and half tablespoon of mulethi powder in water. Have this mixture twice a day. This will give relax to sore throat and cough.

Jaggery + Turmeric: Mix Jaggery 3 tablespoon with 1 tablespoon of turmeric. Blend the mixture properly and store in air tight container. Take small quantity of this mixture and let it dissolve in mouth.


A cough can be prevented by using following methods:


A cough is annoying and may feel uncomfortable for couple of weeks and can be clear on its own but if still cough persist, then medical attention is required. Consult the doctor.

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