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Air Pollution: How it Affect Our Health

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major environmental problem that affects the health of people all over the world. It is a problem that affects billions of people all over the world. Polluted air comes from a variety of sources like cars, factories, fires, vapor from furnaces or stoves and the burning of plastics. It can also come in forms, such as smoke and dust or gases. Breathing polluted air has a negative impact on your health.

Air pollution is a silent killer that’s difficult to avoid. Breathing in polluted air is bad for our health. Many people don’t realize this, but the fact is that it kills 3 million people each year and it’s a silent killer.

If you’re wondering how it affects your body and what you can do to protect yourself from it, read on for some insider information.

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Air Pollution: How It Affects Our Body and How To Avoid It

The air we breathe is not stagnant, it’s constantly changing. The pollutants in the air can have a long-term effect on our health, depending on the level of exposure. Polluted air can be found in most metropolitan areas and is not just a problem for the places that have more than a million people.

Air Pollution Effects on the Body

Air pollution is not just an outdoor problem. The air inside your home or office can be polluted as well, and this can have serious effects on your health. Short-term exposure to this pollution can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. It can also cause coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Long-term exposure can lead to more serious health problems, including heart disease, lung cancer, and other respiratory illnesses.

There are a few things you can do to avoid the harmful effects of air pollution. First, try to limit your exposure to polluted air by staying indoors when possible. If you must go outside, wear a mask or respirator to filter out harmful particles. You can also help reducing air pollution by conserving energy, which will also help in reducing emissions from power plants and other sources.

How to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution

Air pollution is a growing problem in many cities around the world. While the effects of air pollution on your health can be serious, there are things you can do to reduce your exposure and protect yourself.

Here are some tips or ways to avoid air pollution and for reducing your exposure to air pollution:

12 Ways to Avoid Air Pollution

There are many things we can do to avoid air pollution. Some of them are easy, like not idling your car, and some require a little more effort, like planting trees. But each one of us can make a difference. Air pollution is a serious problem. Here are some ways to avoid it, and why it’s so important to do so.

Some ways to avoid air pollution:

  1. Don’t idle your car. When you’re stopped in traffic or waiting to pick someone up, turn off your engine. It saves gas and reduces emissions.
  2. Walk or bike when you can. It’s good for your health and the environment.
  3. Take public transportation or carpool when you can’t walk or bike. Again, it cuts down on emissions.
  4. Plant trees. They help clean the air and make the world a prettier place.
  5. Avoid products that contain chemicals that can pollute the air, like aerosol, hairspray, and cleaning supplies. Choose natural alternatives whenever possible.
  6. Be energy efficient at home and work by turning off lights and electronics when you’re not using them, and insulating your home to keep heat in during winter and out during summer.
  7. Stay indoors as much as possible, especially on days when air pollution levels are high.
  8. If you must go outside, wear a mask or respirator to filter out harmful particles.
  9. Avoid strenuous activity outdoors, as this will cause you to breathe more deeply and increase your exposure.
  10. Try to stay in areas with less traffic or industrial activity.
  11. Keep your windows and doors closed to prevent outdoor air from coming inside.
  12. Use an air purifier in your home or office to filter out harmful particles.


Air pollution is a very real and pressing problem. It affects our health in many ways, including through respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. There are things we can do to reduce our exposure to air pollution and protect our health. These include staying inside on days when the air quality is poor, wearing a mask when we go outside, and avoiding traffic fumes.

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